Zoom Heart Healthy Eating Seminar
Join the Union Bethel AME Church Family by Zoom On Thursday, February 22, 2024 from 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Where our guest speaker will be Dr. Karen Evans, MSN, RN, RN-LTC, SD-LTC, CLC.”
Dr. Evans will provide a seminar on Healthy Eating as it relates to heart health.
Disclaimer:””Union Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church does not have any intention to provide specific medical advice, but rather to provide users with information to better understand their health. All Content provided on or through the Site:(i) is provided for informational purposes only, (ii) is not a substitute for professional medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment, and (iii) is not designed to promote or endorse any medical practice, program or agenda or any medical tests, products or procedures.” If you are unsure about your medical condition, consult a licensed physician. Union Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church is not liable for any injuries and/ or losses as a result of relying upon information contained herein.
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 841 8552 8120 -“Passcode:”648777